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Rites of Passage for Women

"The rites of passage of birth, menarche, childbirth and menopause serve the purpose of educating us of the value our culture places on our new role. They inform us of our culture's expectations of us in our new role and give us information about how we are to behave."


Jane Hardwicke Collings

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The Spring Moon ceremony celebrates a girls' first menstrual cycle or menarche, by bringing together mothers and daughters to honour their initiation into womanhood. 
Marking this sacred rite of passage of our girls allows them to feel celebrated and seen in their slow becoming to womanhood. Consciously sharing  this rite of passage as a family and community  will make your daughters’ village experience it in powerful and magical ways too.

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Mother Blessing ~ Women to Mother

During the Mother Blessing ceremony we sit in circle, light a Mother candle, and embrace with joy and devotion the rite of passage towards motherhood. Every aspect of the gathering is to celebrate and honor your initiation towards birth and motherhood. My role is to create a sacred and safe container of sisterhood and support for your new journey because every birth and every child brings a new opportunity for growth, expansion and healing. 

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